Monday, April 27, 2020

I Vant to Feenesh Tings...

(it is hard to write in Vampire.)

I think having a craft space in a more central area of the house has led me to get more excited about finishing projects.  Before, I had to go down to the basement, and while the space was nice, it felt so distant and removed.  I guess for some people that could be a good thing?  But for me it felt isolated and lonely, and I never knew what my family was doing or if they needed me or if I need to get dinner started or...well, you get the idea.  For as introverted as I can be, I do seem to thrive on connection, particularly with those I love!

So now Self-Isolating Bat is finished.  Hehe.
I've shared him in several places, because he just makes me grin.  Those plastic fangs!  LOL  Those are the cheap plastic fangs that you can get at most party/costume shops or online at places like Oriental Trading - you know, the ones that don't fit anyone right and end up being crummy party favors?  A friend sent them to me, and I initially thought I could build a "frame" of sorts with the right bracing in back.  When that failed, I further destroyed the back of the teeth and sewed them on using an upholstery needle.  The plastic was soft enough that while it wasn't easy, it was doable with a thimble and some swearing.


Annie said...

Looks like the perfect finish...big grin...:D

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Another great finish.

Bethan said...

Brilliant finish! x

Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...