Thursday, July 19, 2018


This little guy was another one of my planned starts for Maynia...I didn't actually start him in May, but he was nicely kitted and ready to go, which is half the battle for me.  So here he is, "Red St. Nicklaus" by Astor Place.
I love him - he's just so jaunty!!  The green fabric makes me quite happy (it is the last of my 30-ct. Garden State Java), and I'm going to stitch him without the rectangular border used in the original design.  Then I'm going to mount him to a triangular plywood "tree" that I picked up in the after-Christmas sales at Joann Fabric.

I also finished yet another re-purposed jewelry box - I'm up to 5 now.  I've given one to my mom, and she actually BOUGHT another one from me to give as a birthday gift to one of her friends, but that still leaves me with 3 finished boxes and at least 2 or 3 more boxes waiting my finishing corner for the right piece.  I really need to find a way to sell them....other than Mom, that is!


Robin in Virginia said...

You are off to a good start on your jaunty Santa. He looks quite good on your fabric choice. Enjoy your Friday and weekend!

Beth said...

I like him Erin - have not heard of the designer before.

Astrids dragon said...

I haven't heard of the designer either, but it looks great so far!
Have fun with your boxes, what great gifts.

Justine said...

That green fabric is perfect for a jolly Santa!

Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...