Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Last Round!

Tonight while DH and I watched "Iron Man," I started on Cathy B's Neighborhood RR. Cathy asked us all to stitch something reminiscent of our hometown/region. Since I moved halfway through the RR, I was left with a bit of a dilemma....until I realized that both areas I lived in over the past few months are in wine country (the northwest corner of PA, and now the Finger Lakes region of New York State). So, after scouring needlework shops and eBay, I happened upon Prairie Schooler's "Fox and Grapes." I think it is perfect! Here is my start....I'm also still toying with my Fairy Tale Towne layout for the Me Myself and I RR. I picked up 2 of the Elizabeth's Designs cottage series very cheaply on eBay (of course), and am tossing around a couple different ideas. I need to transfer all my dwellings to graph paper that is the same scale so I can try to get everything arranged in an appropriate perspective. Hmmm.


Cathy B said...

Erin -

Thanks for putting so much thought into it. I like the design you have selected! Thank you for stitching on my RR.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Ooh that's looking beautiful! Hey if you're now in the finger lakes region that puts you much closer!

Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...