Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another RR square done

Here is Carol's square, all finished!! The house and tree are from Diane Williams' (Little House Needleworks) "Grateful Hearts" sampler, which appeared in the November 2000 issue of For the Love of Cross Stitch. The garden at the bottom is a modified version of one of the borders in the sampler, and the squirrel came from another pattern in the same magazine. I was originally going to use some little critter from one of LHN's Christmas ornie designs, but gave that up when I realized I'd have to go digging for my JCS issues... LOL I also thought about putting something else on the left between the garden and the tree, but I can't find anything that fits and looks right. Carol said she likes it the way it is, so I won't worry!!

I hope everyone here in the US has a lovely Labor Day weekend! We're hoping to visit my parents today, then I might spend some time working on Butterfly Lace. Oh, and I'll update that movie meme at some point, too, just in case you're curious!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done on your finish!

Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...