Sunday, October 21, 2007

Yikes! Where has the time gone?!?

Wow, over a week since my last post! And sadly, I haven't done much stitching in that time, either. Between work, my first round of doctors' appointments, my mom coming out to visit this weekend for a scrapbooking event, and the tiredness that has finally hit me (although thankfully, that's pretty much the only "pregnancy symptom" I've had to deal with), I just haven't been in the mood to sit and stitch.

I HAVE made a bit of progress on the latest round of the Neighborhood RR - here is Toni's square as of tonight.

Don't mind the bit of pet hair on the left side of the square! But now it looks a bit more like a house and gazebo. This round is kind of difficult for is 36-ct. linen, which is a smaller count fabric than I ever use, and the margins are so small that I have to work in-hand (something else I rarely do). but I just keep plugging away!

Oh, and an SBQ I missed from last week:
What proportion of your stitching is for your own personal use versus gifts?
Well, I'd say that about 90% of the stuff I stitch starts OUT to be for me....but then down the road, I decide that something will make a perfect gift for someone. I think I keep 50-75% of the things I stitch in the end, though. Working on this round robin may change those percentages a bit, though!


Kathy A. said...

Nice work on Toni's house. Look forward to seeing the finished project. Glad you are feeling well other than the tiredness. Take care of yourself

Kalu V said...

it is lookign good so far, and good to hear you havent had any major symptoms they honestly suck! lol believe me the part of my pregnancy i enjoyed more was the labor serious

Anonymous said...

Good work on the house :)
Tiredness was my main pregnancy symptom, too.

Carol said...

Awesome start Erin - I love the little kitty! Yours was sent via Global Priority Mail to Annemarie today! I had a blast stitching on yours :-)

Unknown said...


I always read you blog but must have missed your posts about you being pregnant, congratulations.

I also am pregnant and have estimated that i will be due in May also, i was quite excited when i read your posts lol!

It was a surprise for me and my partner he did not talk to me for nearly a week but he is quite excited about it all now thank goodness i was getting worried for a minute.

I unfortunately have been suffering with bad nausea and very tired all the time, you are very lucky not to be getting morning sickness.

My first scan is on the 5th of Nov, looking forward to that.

Well i will be keeping up on you blog to see how things go, i have started a seperate blog for baby stuff feel free to check it out under my other blogs in my profile.

Take care

Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...