Monday, October 01, 2007

Time to Tell You All...

Well, over the weekend Hubby and I visited my parents, and shared our news with now I feel "safe" announcing it here.


This was VERY unplanned, but not unwelcome. I'll be due in May, if all goes well. So far - and I'm about 8 weeks into this adventure - I've had no morning sickness or anything like that.... a few more naps than usual, but I'm keeping up pretty well. My biggest concern right now is my blood sugar -- the recommended levels are HARD to maintain, let me tell you. But I'm doing the best I can, and I have to be happy with that.
Hmmm, any good ideas for a baby sampler?!?!? Or any volunteers want to stitch one FOR me?!?!? (I plan on doing the nursery in yellows and greens, with a fairy tale/dragons/"once upon a time" kind of theme.) LOL


jymisgurl said...

Major congrats!!!! Have you thought about DD's Dragonlets Birth Samper? Here's hoping for a safe wonderful pregnancy!

Kendra said...

CONGRATS!! Hopefully the morning sickness will stay far away and you'll have an enjoyable 9 months! It's hard work, but well worth it. :-)

Christine S said...

Congratulations, Erin!! Best wishes for an uneventful pregnancy. I hope your blood sugar levels don't get too wonky. :-)

Anonymous said...


Mindi said...


Sharon said...

Congratulations Erin! I hadn't visited your blog in a bit and then I get to read some really exciting news. How wonderful you and your DH.

Kathy A. said...

I was going to suggest the Dragonlet's Sampler. I have done it and it is beautiful. I have the pattern if you are interested

Chelle said...

Congrats to you! That's wonderful news!

Aussie Stitcher said...

Congratulations to you and your hubby.

Kalu V said...

OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ohh i think the dragonlets bs would be perfect too!!

lol i used the same pregnancy test lol and wont use it again...i was kinda hoping to go you know like on tv, and try to figure out the little signs, and this one was just so clear its was like a happy slap in the fave

Christine said...

Congratsulations!! I take a break reading blogs for a few weeks and look what I miss hearing. lol

Hopefully you have a good (and uneventful) pregnancy and very happy and healthy baby!

If you don't want to do DD's Dragonlet's birth sampler, you could do DD's Dream Sampler and add the baby's name and birth date at the bottom of the sampler. (on either side of the dream catcher) I plan on adding my girls info to the sampler when I finish it for each of them.

Anne S said...

Wow, congrats on your happy pregnancy news! See what happens when you get so far behind on blog reading ... you're the last to find out! ;)

Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...