Thursday, September 27, 2007

Back to Babies

Well, I've started another new piece. My good friend T just had her third child - a little boy named Luke Morgan. She and her husband never find out the sex of their children before they're born, so for the past nine months they were calling this one "Finn" (short for Finnegan). Their first was "Peep", the second was "Cubby"....finding chicks and bears was easy, but what the heck do I stitch for Finn?!?!? So I was pawing through my stash, thinking perhaps something fishy. After all, fish have fins -- although that isn't exactly the same! And I came upon a pattern in an old issue of Just Cross Stitch that was perfect. It is called the "Wee Shepherd" by The Crafty Scot, and features a little boy in a kilt holding a shepherd's crook, flanked by a lamb and a sheepdog. Ta-da, it could be Finn!! And my friend's heritage is Irish/Scottish, so I know she'll like it. I'm stitching it on Antique Green Jazlyn, and I'll probably leave off all the thistles in the background. They look a little too much like flowered wallpaper for a little boy's room, I think.
Last night I did a good-sized chunk of his blue sweater, but it doesn't look like much yet. I also need to run to a craft store for 2 or 3 skeins of DMC -- because you NEVER have all the right colors for a new project, no matter how much DMC you own. You know how that goes!


Michelle-ozark crafter said...

That will be a nice project and you are right on the floss! No matter what I pick to do there is always a dmc I don't have enough of!

Aussie Stitcher said...

That is a cute design, and ideal for a baby sampler.

Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...