In addition to my "Autumn House" small that I posted for the Smalls SAL, I started Moonflower Designs' "May You Believe." I LOVE this on the green fabric with the purple floss (HDF Old Maid of the Aubergine, thanks again to Robin!). Here is about a week's progress.
I'm currently debating whether to fuss with moving my Q-snaps, or just to finish up the area currently inside them and then stitch in-hand for the rest. Confession: I'm a fabric miser when it comes to my excess fabric, so it might be simpler to just stitch in-hand.
In addition to my progress, Measi proposed the following discussion topic: Gadgets! Show us your favorite stitching gadgets! AND how did you do with Olympic Stitching, and what goals did you achieve?
So, gadgets. I didn't start out as a big "gadget" person - heck, I didn't even have any nice scissors until I started hanging out on chatboards! And while I do have a few fun little toys now, I'm still not in the realm of other stitchers I've seen who have entire refrigerators covered in magnetic needleminders. :) My current favorite things -
1) Gingher embroidery scissors. I have 3 pairs, with 2 being my most favorite - one is the 2006 limited edition "Julia" pattern that is blue floral, and the other is a purple and pink floral design that I can't find the name of...

I especially love them because of that fob - I made it myself using beads from my husband's grandmother's jewelry.
2) I recently acquired this little stitch ripper from Heartstring Samplery. Totally unnecessary, but he was too cute to resist (I just hope not to need his services too often!).
(pic from vendor's Etsy site)
3) Which brings us to needleminders. Yes, I do have, I rarely use them all. My favorites are 2 smaller ones - the one I use most frequently lately is my "evil genius" button.
And the one that got me turned on to needleminders in the first place - this little pretty that I got for a song on eBay a couple years ago. I like that there is a little groove between the center cabochon and the decorative edge, where a needle gets a little extra security.
Now, as for the Olympic stitching....ha. Ha ha. Hahahahahaha. I had big plans to work on Family Treasure III, but it was too fiddly for watching sports (that's my excuse, anyway). I ended up working on and finishing a small, and then pulling out "May You Believe." As I said in an earlier post, maybe I will propose a NEW Stitching Olympics event - "start something new because you are inspired by the amazing achievements of others." It can be an exhibition sport for a couple years first. LOL
Starting new projects is absolutely a way to use up our lifetime's worth of stash, therefore is actually a necessity. Enjoy your stitching. x
Starting new things is LEGIT! And I love you’lr scissors, they’re adorable. You’re right about that purple floss on the green fabric, wow!
That Heartstring frog is too cute! Also your red bird - love it!
If you’re going to stitch all of your stash before the end of the world you have to start it all sometime!
What pretty scissors! Sometimes a new start is just what is called for!
May you believe looks fantastic in your colors! I’m a fabric miser too.
I'm going to have to check out the stitch ripper. You're right, he's not necessary, but he is adorable!
You have made good progress on the Moonflower Design. Here is my take on WIPs (and UFOs), if you force yourself to work on something you aren't feeling the love for then you end up not wanting to stitch.
That green fabric is delicious! Great progress!
I really like the thread you are using for the MMoonflower design.
It's nice to have plans but it's good to change them too!
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