Thursday, May 23, 2013

What came first?

(right now, I'd have to say the chicken!)
This is the piece I posted last week - it is from one of the annual Vanessa-Ann "Holidays in Cross-Stitch" books (1995, maybe?).  I've decided to try making a "chicken basket" for my mom for Christmas this year!  She and my dad started raising chickens last summer, and as much as she says they drive her crazy, I think she kind of enjoys it.  And I know she loves the fresh eggs!  So I have a cute little handled basket, and I'm going to put together a collection of chicken-y things.  I'm thinking this piece will be framed - it is about 6" x 6", and I have a friend who makes frames from reclaimed barnwood.  Totally appropriate!  And the red-brown hen looks just like the Rhode Islands Reds they have.  I also have some smaller patterns to make a few ornaments, maybe put on a shirt or a breadcloth to line the basket.... I just hope I'm not getting too ambitious here!  LOL
(Another crummy cell phone pic -- I'm sorry.  And I've made a bit more progress, since I was home all day today after spraining my ankle while out jogging Wednesday night.  Ugh.  I'm such a klutz!)


Sara said...

What a neat idea, can't wait to see more of the chicken basket.

Heather said...

I love the idea of a chicken basket. I hope you share lots of pictures.

Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...