Well, I found it.....for a MINIMUM of $40!!!! Yikes.

Or I could get all 4 seasonal sampler booklets - for $150. Gee, what a bargain....NOT.
Which brings me to my rant/question (which I'm pretty sure someone - Lee, perhaps? - may have posted a while back). Are people actually PAYING these prices?!?!? I mean, really. While I DO like these designs, I simply can't justify paying $35 (more or less) for them! I suppose there are the collectors....but again, I just keep coming back to the fact that my stash is quite sufficient without these. And in another month or 2 or 3, I'll probably find something else I want, anyway. LOL
Order from someone besides Bay of Evil. That is insane.
Yes, that's ridiculous.
I'm sure there's someone clueless who would pay those prices, but speaking as a collector of the Teresa Wentzler patterns... I would never pay that amount just to have the pattern. Ever.
Do you want me to take a peek at my SAL next time I'm up there? She has a pretty good selection of Prairie Schooler charts.
You can do a search on eBay for completed items...I saw one Spring Sampler sold for $29.99 and a set of the four didn't sell at $149.00.
I'd say the $30 chart is a fair price if it is out-of-print. I think my OOP PS 12 days of Christmas was $25+s/h.
However, some people have more money than sense and might really-really want the set and be willing to pay $149!
I about coughed up a hairball when I decided to spend $27 on BBD's last book. There's no way I would spend $40 for a chart. And there have been a couple I really liked.
oh no..it is really very expensive :(
ermmmm Nope with a capital n .... wayyyyyy to expensive ,,I shall have a squeak round for you this end and see what the prices are here ... love mouse xxxx
who only bids on bargains hehehehe
I live in hope of Prairie Schooler's 'Autumn Leaves' showing up at a price I can afford and not feel like an idiot. Hasn't happened yet, though. I have seen the sampler charts go for less than $20, though - you just have to keep checking back.
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