So, about my little sampler. I changed the colors of the flower to look like the wild columbine, which is - as near as I can tell - native to the northern forests. The border reminded me of mountains, and the owl is a tribute to the night noises in the woods. (I loved the hooting of owls in the night while I was snug in the camp cabin!) The tree....is a tree. LOL And the quote is part of a longer piece by William Chapman White.
"As a man tramps the woods to the lake he knows he will find pines and lilies, blue herons and golden shiners, shadows on the rocks and the glint of light on the wavelets, just as they were in the summer of 1354, as they will be in 2054 and beyond. He can stand on a rock by the shore and be in a past he could not have known, in a future he will never see. He can be a part of time that was and time yet to come."
This little piece was really fun to put together, and even if it didn't win in the prize-getting sense, I love it. So....winning!!!! hehe
its very nice - and I think it should bring lovely memories whenever you look at it =-)
I'm sorry you didn't win the prize. Yours was my favorite of the bunch. I too have a connection to the Adirondacks. My grandparents had a cabin near Tupper Lake that we used to visit when I was a kid. It's such a beautiful place. And your piece reflects that beauty. Well done!
hello dear, i really love it and it is so sweet.
well done.
hugs cucki xx
I love your little sampler. Love the quote too - it's an interesting way to think.
Oh, I didn't know that one was yours. It is beautiful. Nice job!
Your changes are very lovely. It melds together very well!
On another post you talked about an older pattern called "Wildflower Afternoons" by Dagmara Designs with a quote that reads "wishing you butterfly mornings and wildflower afternoons - i am so hunting this pattern - do you still have it? i had it at one time but cannot find it anywhere! any help where i can find it? thank you so much
You did a wonderful job!
I don't vote--it seems unseemly since I know who's entered--but it was my favorite!
Did you ever send me your snail mail so I could send your prize? I don't think you did!
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