Monday, July 03, 2006

Goals with Pics

June Recap -
1) Keep working on "Once Upon a Time." I will not be defeated by all the browns!!
Yes - see for yourself! 2) Wedding piece - put in a few more stitches. The wedding won't be until next fall, so if I just keep plugging along I should be able to finish it in plenty of time. Yes.
3) Finish the Lady in Red Heart - maybe? Yes.
4) Start the Something in Common sampler from the March issue of Gift of Stitching. It has been calling to me rather loudly lately! Yes - and here is a pic of my progress so far.
5) Plan a way to organize, store and inventory all these new hand-dyed threads I'll be getting.... Done - see my last post.

So it looks like I did a pretty good job last month...let's hope I can continue!

July goals -
1) Finish Once Upon a Time. I'm on vacation all this week, so that could happen VERY soon!
2) Stitch a bit on the wedding sampler, and post an update pic here.
3) Work on the Woodland Sampler.
4) Dig out a WIP/UFO -- the garden verse for my sister, TW's Regal Peacocks, or possibly my Dragon Virtues afghan....
5) Start something new - pick something to replace Once Upon a Time on the large scroll frame, or maybe something smaller.


Nicole said...

Hi Erin,

I just found your blog! I love your Once Upon a Time. It's always been one of my favorite MLI's. Congrats on being almost finished! :)

Singular Stitches said...

Congrats on the accomplishments!!

jymisgurl said...

OUAT looks GREAT! You'll have it done in no time!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Oooh I think you should work on Dragon Virtues!!!

Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...