Monday, January 30, 2012

It is a band SAMPLER, after all....

...and perhaps I should have checked the chart more closely before I dove into the stitching on Friday night!!

Yes, after completing the first line of the alphabet (a-h), it struck me that there are quite a few (fun!) specialty stitches in the Stag Sampler.  And when I looked more closely at the chart, I realized that the band of gold above the alphabet - which I had done in plain old crosses - was supposed to be eyelets.  D'oh!  So I spent part of last night r-r-r-r-ripping all of that out.  Two steps forward, one step back...  I still love the sampler, though, despite it all.


cucki said...

Oh deary..sending you Stitchy hugs..
I hope today is a better Stitchy day for you..
Love xxx

Mouse said...

oooo whoops .... *passes glasses over to help with the rest of the chart hope things get better from now on :) love mouse xxxx

Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...