Thursday, September 09, 2010

Home! And an SBQ.

The first part of this post title applies to both 1) myself and family, having journeyed to the midwest for a wedding over Labor Day, and 2) Maura's birth sampler, framed by the talented Jill Rensel. The wedding was fun, and traveling with the Wee One wasn't completely miserable, but I'm still glad its over. ;D

And now what you REALLY want to see....the framing!

This is the final pic Jill sent before shipping it back to me. Isn't it lovely?!?!? I haven't yet decided where to hang it in the nursery, plus I've been toting it about and showing it off. hehehe I couldn't be happier...Jill's style is perfect for this design, and it was soooo affordable. I wish I lived closer to her shop!

As for stitching, I've worked a bit on my neglected Neighborhood RR square, DH's Labyrinth design, and while we were traveling I broke out Victoria Sampler's "Iowa" Hearts of America kit (it seemed appropriate!). The heart is almost done; now I'm looking for some tips on finishing heart shapes. Can anyone help me out? Also, I signed up for a Halloween exchange over at HOE, so I need to start planning/stitching for that as well.

And now for the SBQ, courtesy of Lee:
Is there anything you do while you are stitching that is kind of weird or unusual? A quirky habit maybe? Or anything that you do that makes you think, Hey...I wonder if anyone else does this?
Not really! I do stop every so often and hold whatever I'm working on at arm's length to admire it, but I think we ALL do that. LOL (Although I DO sometimes like to take off my glasses, hold the piece right up to my face, and tilt it so I can see the texture of each individual stitch...I blame my perfectionist/OCD tendencies.) Other than that, I just sit happily in my stitching chair, watch TV, and drink the occasional caffeinated beverage. Yum.


Lesleyanne said...

Wow that is absolutely stunning. I think I would be taking out and showing it off to everybody lol. Can't wait to see your new projects.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

YOWZA! That is a gorgeous gorgeous finish :)

Belinda said...

Wow, what a beautiful sampler! it is going to look gorgeous in the nursery.

Christine S said...

Love the framing! It turned out so well!

valerie said...

Beautiful framing!I am thinking of stitching this pattern for a friend provided she is having a girl. I love the mat colors and frame selection. Great job!

Blu said...

Gorgeous! It's going to look so cute in the nursery!

Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...