Sunday, December 09, 2007

Goodies from the weekend

I made it to the LNS on Saturday, and dropped off both the shepherd piece and the love poem for framing. Luckily, she had one ready-made frame in stock that was perfect for the shepherd, so I saved a bit of money that way. Someday I MUST learn how to properly frame things myself.... I also picked up the 2 Just Nan patterns & charms that she had special-ordered for me -- Summer and Autumn in the Square. Now I have all 4!

I did quite a bit of stitching, too. It was nice to have some time to myself -- DH was playing Santa at a local nursing home today, so I stitched and watched movies to my heart's content. I worked a bit on the dragon -- And as promised, here is my progress on the Knotted Tree NeedleArt Santa design from the 2007 JCS ornie issue. (I left the mag in the pic so you can see most of the finished ornie!)
For once I'm doing it *almost* as least it is a 32-ct. fabric (bay rum) and I actually had most of the flosses it called for. However, even though I'm using both the cranberry and cherry bark hand-dyeds, they seem MUCH darker than the picture. Oh well. I'm also not entirely pleased with the way the floss fell in the hat...all dark up at the top. He's still cute, though!


Kathy A. said...

Pretty little ornament! Love that dragon. He is coming along nicely.

Unknown said...

Your dragon looks great and I like your santa ornament. I like the dsarker reds better than the ones in the picture.

Maree said...

Love the dragon; and the Santa :)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Erin, its been awhile since I've found the time to stop by! I used to read your blog all the time! I'm so bad!

You've made great progress on both projects, that dragon must be fun to stitch!

Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...