Saturday, December 01, 2007

Goal Time

Another year almost gone....

1) Finish up Toni's RR square and return her piece to her. Done.
2) Start laying out the next RR square when it arrives (probably sometime after 11/15). Nothing has arrived yet....
3) Baby gift. Finished - pic coming soon!
4) Start an ornie or other "small," perhaps? My fingers have been itching for a little finish! Started and finished the "Christmas Penny Bag" ornament.
5) Other WIPs as the mood strikes. Yep!! I finished the Gaelic blessing, worked on the "Worst Enemy" dragon, and finally rescued the mermaids from the WIP bin!

1) Keep working on the Mermaids.
2) Finish the "Worst Enemy" dragon, so he can be entered in the Silkweaver Showcase.
3) Make a trip to the LNS to have the baby gift framed. I'm waiting on a few special-ordered items, and I need some invisible thread for beading, so hopefully I can kill a couple birds with one stone and not have to tempt myself TOO many times!
4) Lay out and start stitching on the next Neighborhood RR square.

After answering the latest SBQ, I was inspired to update my pattern database and sort my fabbies. Yikes, I have a LOT of stash!! Right now it still fits in my one 2-drawer file cabinet....well, if you don't count the boxes of DMC and the toolbox drawers I use for my hand-dyed flosses..... Maybe the new year will be marked by a bit of de-stashination. Hmmm.

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Craft Sale!

So my mother and I set up our little table at the craft fair this past weekend.  And we didn't do terribly!  I sold $125 worth of needle...